Showing posts with label Tauranga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tauranga. Show all posts

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Tauranga - excursion review

Today we went on an excursion organised by RCI to Rotarua.
We visited a Maori cultural centre and the geysers and mud springs. It was a good excursion that even kept Michael interested and that takes a bit!
The crowds there were huge as there are two cruise ships in town today.
Michael and Trevor learned how to Haka!
What a hoot!
We got some great photos and the sun was out too!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tauranga - a shore excursion review of the Lord of the Rings Hobbiton movie set

A few days ago we were in the port of Tauranga for the day. We chose to go on a ship arranged shore excursion for a half day visit to the Lord of the Rings Movie set called Hobbiton.
The Lord of the Rings movies were filmed in many locations across New Zealand. One of these was a farm outside of Tauranga where Peter Jackson had the Hobbits homes built and some of the outdoor scenes in the Lord of the Rings films were filmed here. Also just recently (about 5 weeks ago) filming wrapped up on the new movies to be released in December 2012 about the Hobbits. These are not part of the trilogy but there are supposed two films coming out as part of this new feature on the Hobbits.
I can't post any photos as we had to sign a confidentiality agreement about not divulging the photos until the movie comes out but needless to say, if you are a fan of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, it is a real treat to come here and see where it was filmed.

The guide was fantastic explaining where all the scenes were filmed and putting things into perspective.

The tour was $139 per adult and $99 per child but was worthwhile. There was a nice bus ride also there and back where we got to see more green countryside in New Zealand.
The day was forecast for rain so we prepared with umbrellas but we were lucky that the rain spared us and the sun even came out for a glimpse for a short while.